The debate on how to legally frame DeepFake is now at the centre of attention of governments, institutions and businesses. This essay explores the possibility that these technologies cannot be...
You’re not stupid, you’re just tired: cognitive overload
Our capacity for discernment, immersed in an incessant flow of information, is under unprecedented pressure. The proliferation of disinformation is not the result of a collective inability to think...
Protecting #LGBTQ gets you blocked by Italian Facebook. #Fascism doesn’t.
**TL;DR; I confronted a loudmouthed cretin insulting a gay couple using same tactics in him. I posted on Facebook. Post got 6000+ like and 2000+ shares. Post was removed for “Violating Facebook...
A REAL decoding of Jake Appelbaum statement
As many of you may know there has been lots of turmoil in the infosec world about the [allegations of sexual assault][1] against [Jacob Appelbaum][3] surfaced last week. Jacob has provided a...
ISIS Social Media Analysis of twitter news outlets following @Th3j35t3r Tango-Downs
## Disclaimer First of all let me clarify **this is an exercise in Social Media monitoring and analysis**, not a **full featured Intelligence** report. Not by far. We do Social Media Monitoring for a...